Select Articles & Essays
2022. “Aquifer Aporias: Towards a Comparative Anthropology of Groundwater Depletion,” Current Anthropology 63 (3): 350-359 (link)
2022. “Full Circle,” in The One Hundred Circle Farm by Emmet Gowin. Princeton: Princeton University Press (link)
2022. “Antropología Ontológica y el Aplazamiento de la Crítica,” in Humanos, mas que humanos y no humanos, Carlos Del Cairo and Daniel Ruiz-Serna, eds. Bogotá: Pontífica Universidad Javeriana, pp 352-391 [with David Bond] (link)
2022. “Hiding in Plain Sight: Talking Aquifer Depletion with Lucas Bessire,” Conversation with Julie Livingston, Public Books, March 16 (link)
2021. “Visualizing a Post-Apocalypse: Notes on New Ayoreo Cinema,” Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 17 (1): 16-35 [with Bernard Belisário] (link)
2021. “The Next Disaster Coming to the Great Plains,” The Atlantic, December 26 (link)
2021. “Where Do We Go From Here?” Anthropology Now 13 (1): 1-10 (link)
2019. “Depletion,” Special Issue: Rural Almanac, Journal for the Anthropology of North America 22 (2): 63-65 (link)
2019. “Futurs Apocalyptiques: la violente transformation de l’humanité morale chez les Ayoreo du Gran Chaco paraguayen” Terrain: anthropologie & sciences humaines Volume 71
2017. "Glimpses of Emergence in the Ayoreo Video Project." Visual Anthropology Review 33 (2): 119 - 129.
2017. "On Negative Becoming." Unfinished, edited by João Biehl & Peter Locke. Durham: Duke University Press. Pp 197 - 217.
2017. "Indigenizing Public Ethnography: Critical vs. Tactical Reason." If Truth Be Told, edited by Didier Fassin. Durham: Duke University Press. Pp 138 - 159.
2017. "Introduction: The Rise of Trumpism." Virtual forum on Trumpism, Cultural Anthropology website. With David Bond.
2016. "Ethnographic marginalia." Bateson Award roundtable, Cultural Anthropology website.
2016. "Isolation, Otherwise." Tipiti 14 (1): 138 -9.
2014. "Ontological Anthropology and the Deferral of Critique." American Ethnologist 41 (3): 440 – 456. With David Bond.
2014. "The Rise of Indigenous Hypermarginality: Culture as a Neoliberal Politics of Life in Latin America." Current Anthropology 55 (3): 276 – 295.
2014. "Ontology: A Difficult Keyword." Virtual issue on Ontology, American Ethnologist website. With David Bond.
2013. "Towards an Anthropology of Actually Existing Alterity in the Gran Chaco." Occasional Papers of the School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Paper Number 48.
2013. "The Anthropology of Radio Fields." Annual Review of Anthropology 42 (1): 363 – 378. With Daniel Fisher.
2012. "The Politics of Isolation: Refused Relation as an Emerging Regime of Indigenous Biolegitimacy." Comparative Studies in Society and History 54 (3): 1 - 32
2011. "Apocalyptic Futures: the violent transformation of moral human life among Ayoreo-speaking people of the Gran Chaco." American Ethnologist 38 (4): 743-757
2003. "Talking Back to Primitivism: Divided Audiences, Collective Desires." American Anthropologist 105 (4): 832-838.